
Insolitaria #8

Insolitaria #8

Incontro con Casa Corti 7-9 agosto 2023


Diario di viaggio

L’ottavo incontro di Insolitaria è sicuramente insolito. Andremo infatti a conoscere la vita di una donna, scrittrice, filologa medievale, professoressa all’università di Pavia, ricercatrice. Maria Corti è stata una figura importante nella cultura italiana ma anche una donna dal cuore grande, braccia spalancate e orecchi attenti ad ascoltare le persone che accoglieva nella sua casa a Pellio Invelsi (CO). 

Insolitaria incontra Casa Corti.

La casa di famiglia di Maria Corti, Casa Corti, si trova nel piccolo paese di Pellio Invelsi (CO) sopra due laghi, quello di Como e quello di Lugano, in un’atmosfera rilassata, accogliente e che lei ha riempito e animato per tutta la vita con la sua presenza calorosa e quella delle numerose persone che incontrava e ospitava in questa bella casa.

Se si dice che gli oggetti abbiano un’anima, Casa Corti ne è un esempio concreto.

Una casa che accoglie e che conserva forte e potente tra le mura grandi atti di amore.Dopo la morte della scrittrice, per mancanza di eredi la casa rischiava il decadimento quando 8 amici decisero di acquistarla per continuare a tenere vivo il ricordo di questa figura ma soprattutto apri

rla alle persone, alla cultura, allo stare insieme. 

Giorno 1:


Dopo aver attraversato il lago di Como in traghetto, prendo un autobus che, risalendo la china, giunge a Pellio Invelsi. Una giornata soleggiata e luminosa mi accompagna fino alla porta di Casa Corti. All’arrivo, l’affettuoso abbraccio della cortigiana Lorenza

Garrino mi accoglie, insieme all’incontro con i nuovi ospiti della casa, tra cui l’adorabile famiglia di Lorenza e la scrittrice Maurizia Girlando.

È una giornata di festa a Pellio: è il giorno della Festa delle Corti. Il piccolo paese di montagna si veste a festa, aprendo gli antichi e meravigliosi cortili agli abitanti della valle. Le corti, che rappresentavano in passato luoghi di incontro e scambio nella vita quotidiana di Pellio, sono pervase da profumi di piatti tradizionali e adornate con esposizioni di oggetti che ricordano gli antichi mestieri.

Anche Casa Corti apre la sua corte interna e il vasto giardino adiacente per partecipare alle celebrazioni. Immagini in bianco e nero di Pellio del passato danno il benvenuto lungo i bordi delle strade.

Giorno 2:

Dormire a Casa Corti è come dormire in una casa di famiglia. Si cucina insieme, si condividono chiacchiere ed esperienze sorseggiando un caffè e ci si addormenta cullati dall’atmosfera di una casa che accoglie con amore e protegge. Il suono mattutino delle campane della chiesa adiacente ci ricorda di trovarci in Italia, immersi nella vita quotidiana di questo piccolo paese scandito dai rintocchi dell’orologio.

Dopo la Festa delle Corti, appena passata, Lorenza ci accompagna in un terrazzo adiacente ad un vecchio Grand Hotel e ad una antica funicolare dismessa per farci ammirare il “Balcone d’Italia”, un punto panoramico sopra il lago di Lugano, che fa da confine tra l’Italia e la Svizzera ticinese. La classica foto ricordo da cartolina e poi ci dirigiamo verso un luogo che mi ha letteralmente stregata: il Museo Piero Gauli. Pittore dal tratto deciso e profondo, i suoi quadri entrano come spade nei visceri e smuovono emozioni forti. Dal lavoro come sceneggiatore ai disegni durante la prigionia in Polonia durante la seconda guerra, Gauli ha avuto una lunga e prospera carriera come artista ma purtroppo solo poche opere possono essere oggi ammirate nel Museo a lui dedicato. Una vita trascorsa nell’arte e plasmata in magnifiche opere, che dopo la morte dell’artista, sono state segregate. È un immenso rammarico non poter far conoscere alle generazioni future un artista così elevato, ma anche se solo una piccola collezione, assicuro che vale la pena la visita al Museo Piero Gauli.

Il Museo Piero Gauli si trova presso Ramponio Verna (CO)

  La sera riuniti nel salotto di Casa Corti, un breve concerto.

Questo è il momento più importante del progetto insolitaria. Creare un momento artistico tra l’ospite e me. Un pretesto, attraverso l’atto artistico, per sollecitare il dialogo senza barriere, per trovare un punto in comune che diventa meraviglia per noi artisti e soprattutto per il pubblico presente e che si amplificherà attraverso il racconto.

Questa volta ho cercato il dialogo con Maria Corti attraverso la sua casa e i suoi ospiti ed èstato molto naturale e splendido. 


Giorno 3:

Lascio Casa Corti verso il lungolago di Lugano, un veloce incontro con un’altra cortigiana, Guenda Bernegger e poi prendo il treno che mi riporta a Berlino. 

Come ad ogni incontro insolitaria, riverberanno a lungo i bei momenti trascorsi, le emozioni e i pensieri che spero di poter esprimere attraverso queste scalcinate righe ma soprattutto direttamente attraverso le voci delle persone incontrare che troverete nei podcast insolitaria.

Prossima tappa: Genova, con Erica Volta e Stefano Bertoli.


Per conoscere meglio Casa Corti:


Per conoscere meglio la scrittrice Maurizia Girlando


Se non vi piace guidare e preferite i mezzi pubblici, potete arrivare a Casa Corti con il treno fino a Como Lago e prendere il traghetto fino a Argegno, poi un comodo bus vi porterà direttamente a Pellio Invelsi nei pressi di Casa Corti.

Se il tempo lo permette, potrete godere della vista delle ville e dei graziosi paesi lungo il lago. Una breve gita di 1 ora molto piacevole.




tamara soldan –  voice / medieval fiddle / live electronics

While the World is undergoing a rapid and radical transformation, we feel oppressed and inert in the face of events. Our voice is blocked, unexpressed, unheard, lonely.

The project re:flexions wants to be a mirror of the present, a reflection on a world undergoing a fast and radical transformation and at the same time a deep inner journey to free, perhaps, a new identity.

Ancient melodies deconstructed and recomposed in a new form like an inner voice that breaks free and seeks a new identity, attempting to recompose the ruins of the World.

Voice, medieval Fiddle, Ancient melodic evocations superimposed on contemporary sound materials, nature and urban sounds, poetry and improvisation.

The language used is Latin, as a universal language, and other languages such as German and Veneto dialect (Tamara Soldan’s acquired language and mother tongue respectively) extrapolated from compositions by the poet Andrea Zanzotto, a cosmopolitan figure, a critic against the anthropocentalised world.

The drones become the white noise underneath our everyday life, the harmonic dissonances, the fears that manifest themselves in violent events and social aggression, the microtones the sense of indefiniteness and suspension, the ancient and improvised melodies, an inner, meditative reflection, the texts by the poet Andrea Zanzotto the connection with the identity land and the mother tongue, the absence of a defined rhythmic pulsation, the freedom from matter.

A personal and shared journey, guided by sounds and images that encourage a moment of reflection, of absorbed experience and the possibility of re-imagining it.

Note: the music of Re-flexions may be accompanied by artistic videos created by artist Mauro Lovisetto.

re:flexions is a musical work supported by Musikfonds Germany.

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with thoughts about life and upcoming concerts






Fons Luminis mit Folkwang Universität



w/EULIPAN folk and jazz aus den Welt

Persianische Cafè -Berlin



w/VORTEX – Auf Reise mit Marco Polo

Medieval Music

Dorfkirche Stralau – Berlin


12.03.2024 | 18:30h

“Fragmente” Lesung von Lisa Mazzi

Voice and Live electronics von Tamara Soldan

Babylon Kino Berlin


16.03.2024 |19h

Donne D’altri Tempi – Solokonzert

Medieval Music

Mondolibro – Berlin



Le Tre Marie – Solokonzert

Medieval Music

San Marino (RSM)



INTRECCI w/Quique Sinesi

Tallerd Luis – Berlin



INTRECCI w/Quique Sinesi

Festival Mozart in Jazz

Chemnitz (DE)



mit Folkwang Universität 




Solo _ voice, fiddle. live electronics, videoart

Vekks – Vienna (AT)



Sommerfest Leo Borchard Musikschule




Stadtpartk Steglitz 










Ginevra (CH)








INSOLITARIA ft. Roberto Bernardini

Iglesias (IT)



Art City Gallery -Berlin



Dorfkirche Stralau-Berlin


Jazz Vocal Workshop




Osterkirche – Berlin



Panda Platforma -Berlin


INTRECCI with Quique Sinesi

Kulturkirche Nikodemus -Berlin



Kühlspot Social Club -Berlin



Neuglobsow (DE)


INSOLITARIA ft.Susan Harbage Page

Spello (PG)


INSOLITARIA ft, Casa Corti

Pelvio Inversi (CO)


A Chantar! -Solo

Spandau – Berlin


Coro Novum Gaudium ft. Tamara Soldan

Auferstehungskirche – Berlin


Coro Novum Gaudium ft. Tamara Soldan

Kulturkirche Nikodemus – Berlin


INSOLITARIA ft. Erica Volta & Stefano Bertoli



“Frauen und Demokratie: Stimmen, die

bestimmen” Performance w/Barbara Bernardi




Salon Dreiklang – Berlin



Festival Alte Musik Auhausen (DE)



St.Petruskirche – Halle (DE)


Solo ft.Stefano Maso (organ)

Festival Musica Valvasone (PN)


INSOLITARIA ft. Angelica Zanardi & Fienile Fluò



A Chantar! – Solo

Chiesetta Madonna della Neve – Conegliano (TV)

26.10.23 | 16:00 Uhr

A Chantar! -Solo

Schlosskultur- Stadtbibliothek Steglitz

Grünewaldstrasse 3 Berlin



Offenes Wohnzimmer – Berlin


Solo Concert

Auferstehungskirche – Berlin ABGESAGT

Senza categoria

Vocal Training

Vocal Training

I am a passionate Vocal Teacher with 20 years of experience.

My approach has a strong emphasis on good classical technique as the basis for a variety of singing styles, including jazz, pop, rock and chanson.

My lessons build up the strength, power and tone of the voice through work on breathing and support, and bridging the gap between “chest” and “head” register.

In my experience, everyone has a voice and lessons are about learning how to make the most of it.

We’ll explore and expand the most resonant areas of the voice and build strength in those areas that are weak: extending vocal range, tuning, releasing tension and thinking about the communication of the music. 

I’ve found singing is a wonderful way for anyone to improve one’s confidence and mood as well as musicianship.

I am so excited also to help jazz passionate or aspirant jazz singer to improve their repertoire and learn scat singing and improvisation techniques.

Where you can find me:

Language: English, German, Italian

Singing and Swinging

"the first time I listened to a jazz concert it was love at first sight."

jazz has opened my mind, heart and ears"

For 10 years I have been organizing individual and group lessons focused on Jazz Music.

The Jazz Vocal Workshop Singing and Swinging provides an extensive introduction to the wide range of skills and techniques required.

Jazz and Improvisation are as much an approach as a style of music, and this course concentrates equally on understanding and interpreting jazz from the inside as it does on the techniques of singing it.

Topics covered include:

  • Physical and vocal warm-ups
  • Listening exercises and harmonies, ear training
  • Rhythm work
  • Jazz-style phrasing and expression
  • Singing in various styles, including swing, ballads and the blues
  • Vocal improvisation (Scat and Free)
  • Choosing repertoire and exploring jazz standards
  • Developing your own unique style

Where you can find me:

Language: English, German, Italian

"Singing has belonged to me since I was very young. I once jumped into a couple of lessons with Tamara ten years ago in Italy and she impressed me for her kindness and patience along with her undoubtable know-how. It then happened that we both moved abroad following different ways. Our paths crossed again at the beginning of this year when I asked if she also made online lessons possible since we still live in different countries and I had the need to develop my skill. We are now regularly meeting each other on Skype and my voice is finally slowly finding her way out to blossom. I reckon that Tamara has gorgeously adapted her teaching method to this system! She also provides me with the exercises I can then repeat by myself on mp3 format via Chat, which I find very useful and practical. Video calls do not worsen the quality of her lessons at all and we can meet up whenever suitable, also during vacations. I can only but recommend Tamara's online lessons!! Enjoy!" Teresa (Zurig -CH)
"Seit einiger Zeit habe ich bei Tamara Soldan Gesangsunterricht. Durch ihre ermutigende und unprätentiöse, natürliche Art ermöglichte sie es mir, meine Stimme zu entwickeln und mir die Angst vorm Singen zu nehmen. Seitdem bin ich mit Spaß und Enthusiasmus dabei. Ihre Gesangsstunden sind durchdacht und geprägt durch eine aufmerksame Präsenz und Begleitung. Gerade auch während ihres Vocal - Jazz Workshops, an dem ich zurzeit teilnehme, finde ich es großartig, dass sie die Stunden aufnimmt, sodass man sie sich zu Hause anhören und noch einmal durcharbeiten kann. Das ist wie ein doppelter Gesangsunterricht. Überhaupt, stellt sie einem viele Informationen zur Verfügung, die einem weiterhelfen. Ihre Leidenschaft insbesondere für den Jazzgesang ist ansteckend und motivierend. Ich bin mit Freude dabei." Claudia L. (Berlin)



“In September 2017 Michele and I met for a rehearsal for a new project. We talked about working through our roots, our background and our present. I thought about my music life, my experiences in Italy and in Berlin, what I am now, what is around me and what I would like to explain through the music. I had been singing Gregorian chants in a Schola Gregoriana in Italy for 10 years. It was a great experience and a totally different kind of music world. I grew up singing in a choir, I sang for a long time Palestrina and De Victoria but Gregorian chants are really another thing. So I had an idea: I took a couple of pieces, I went to Michele and told him: ‘please create a deep soundscape, with underground sounds so I can sing on it.’ It was the first time we played Ecce lignum and both of us got surprised while listening to what we had just created. We recorded this first rehearsal and it became a video. Extempore was born!”

Tamara Soldan


The duo Extempore was founded in Berlin by the singer Tamara Soldan and the electronic musician Michele Pedrazzi. The combination of their two musical backgrounds creates a virtual dialogue between past and present and between two musical forms that seem distant but are surprisingly compatible.

So becomes the archetype of Gregorian chant will find fertile terrain in which, along with electronic music will find a new contemporary light.

The Gregorian chant is presented in an abstract light, detached from its original context. Distributed over electronic textures, the chant becomes a pure vocal matter, ready to be processed by the machine.

Extempore is a journey among evocative fragments and unexpected soundscapes, where the ancient melodies enter a new dimension while still keeping their original drive: the movement that goes “from the darkness to the light.”

The first album is going to be released very soon.

Extempore has also the pleasure to collaborate with the video artist Mauro Lovisetto.

After two years of artistic experiments, he founded GRINDER_7 a project in which he brings music, video making and graphic art.

During the Extempore concerts, the videos created by Mauro are shown.

Extempore music was also selected as soundtrack for the documentary Frattura by Marzotti-Buttignol-Ghione, already presented at the Gibellina 2018 Night Visions Festival.



Vortex Ensemble

“...The virtuosity with which they both master their instruments and voice leaves one speechless. The two artists present improvised games and communicate through imperceptible glances and gestures in perfect harmony… The texts from the Venetian’s travel diary enriched the musical programme…. the audience was more than satisfied and thanked the duo with prolonged applause…” Augsburger Allgemeinen


Ensemble Vortex was born out of a shared passion for medieval music, European and otherwise. Tamara Soldan began singing ancient music as a child, specialised in jazz singing and returned to her roots in recent years, integrating her activity as a singer with the use of the medieval fiddle. Valentina Bellanova has always practised medieval music, integrating it with her own activity as a ney player, thanks to which she performs with ensembles of Arabic and Turkish classical music in Germany and Europe.

Only one year after its birth, Vortex gained international attention by performing in 6 different European countries (Germany, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, Slovakia, Czech Republic). 

With its programme on music in Dante’s time, conceived in the Dantean year 2021, it obtained funding from Neustart Kultur, thanks to which it produced its debut album, entitled ‘Dante and the music of his time’ (in German, ‘Dante und die Musik seiner Zeit’).

In 2022, Vortex Ensemble won the ‘Green Tour’ project for the Goethe-Institut, a travelling residency in three  European countries. 

As a result of the musical relationships forged during this period, Vortex performed, among others, in the prestigious House of Music in Budapest.

He has also performed at prestigious venues and festivals such as: Early Music Festival Musica Ahuse- Germany, Bormel Foundation. Geneva, Bratislava City Museum, Mensel Museum Brno.



Tamara Soldan (Italian) for vocal and fiddle 

Valentina Bellanova (Italian) for recorders, ney, symphonia,  bagpipes, voice


Some topics:


LA MUSICA AL TEMPO DI DANTE (“Musik zur Zeit Dantes”)

AUF REISEN MIT MARCO POLO: Orient and Occident: on the trail of Marco Polo




Programme 2024:

Orient and Occident:
on the trail of Marco Polo

On the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo’s death, the Vortex ensemble wants to make a tribute to the life and legacy of one of the greatest explorers in human history and celebrate the cultural interconnection that characterised his epic journeys among the wonders of the world.

The Vortex ensemble, a musical ensemble of excellence consisting of Tamara Soldan on vocals and medieval Fiddle and Valentina Bellanova on flutes, symphonia, bagpipes, Arabic and Turkish ney, Hulusi, will lead a musical journey without boundaries. Through a masterful synergy of European, Middle Eastern and Chinese sounds, the duo will guide through the sound textures of the civilisations that Marco Polo encountered on his journeys undertaken with unparalleled courage and curiosity.

The music of this project is conceived as a bridge between eras and continents, a way to explore the traditions, sounds and rhythms that enchanted Marco Polo during his adventurous travels. The performance by the Vortex ensemble promises to take the audience on an exciting journey, enveloping them in the evocative melodies of European courts, the mysteries of ancient Eastern cultures and the serene harmony of Chinese traditions.

An opportunity to immerse oneself in the beating heart of the cultures that enchanted Marco Polo’s soul and, through music, discover our world in new and meaningful ways.


Tamara Soldan – voice and medieval fiddle

Valentina Bellanova – flutes, Arabic and Turkish ney, symphonia, bagpipes, hulusi, voice




In the fall of 2018 I went to listen to a concert in Berlin. I didn’t know the musicians beforehand but I was curious to hear a project that mixed jazz and Argentine music. 

It was great! Quique Sinesi’s music is so poetic and I felt so close to it.

When I later met Quique, we spoke about music, his Italian roots and my family connection with Argentina. We decided to weave together Italy and Argentina, our roots, music, stories and languages. In one word: Intrecci.”

The Project is called “Intrecci” and it combines jazz, improvisation, contemporary and Argentinian sounds. Original music by Quique Sinesi and lyrics written by Tamara Soldan.

Quique Sinesi is considered one of the most important and influential Argentine guitarists. He has released albums with renowned musicians and is a Grammy winner. His interpretations are immersed in the traditional music of the Andes, in candombe, jazz and classical music. Through the combination with improvisations, he presents himself with a very personal mix of styles. In addition, Quique reinterprets the seven-string guitar and the charango.

He played for years with the bandoneonist Dino Saluzzi and founded the group Alfombra Mágica with Matias Gonzalez and Horacio López. Some other musicians with whom he has played or recorded are: Enrico Rava, Pedro Aznar, Ruben Rada, Paquito de Rivera, Joe Lovano, Markus Stockhausen, Erling Kroner, Wolfgang Haffner, Marcelo Moguilevsky, Michael Forman, Carlos Aguirre, Juan Falú,Silvia Iriondo,Nora Sarmoria,Helena Ruegg,Michel Godard,Angelika Nieschier,Claudio Puntin, Karnataka College of Percusion, Dieter Ilg, Jasper Van Hof, Nazim, Daniel Messina, Pablo Ziegler Quintet, to name just a few.

Jim Hall commented: “One of the joys of my secret visit to Buenos Aires was meeting and hearing Quique Sinesi. He became instantly one of my favourite guitarists.”

In the project “Intrecci” he meets the crystal clear voice of the Italian jazz singer Tamara Soldan. Together, they take the audience on an emotional journey of discovery through Argentina, Andean tradition, original songs and tango in combination with jazz and poetic music.


Photo – Roberto Zanardo

Listen on Soundcloud:


Seras Verdad




“I had the pleasure in my life to meet and play with a lot of great musicians. Each of them left me something to think about, to study on, both musically and personally. But the most important thing, whether it’s a rehearsal, a session or a concert, whether it’s jazz, improvisation, traditional music, ancient music, is MAKING MUSIC.

During the Pandemic I am studying new repertoires, which combine my past musical experience with my studies on medieval music at the University of Musicology. A solo project and other collaborations in Berlin and internationally are being born.”

Solo project Birds and Love

w/ Kenneth Dahl Knudnes Orchestra

w/Belle Ciao

Biennale Venice


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Protetto: Portfolio

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