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with thoughts about life and upcoming concerts

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Musica InAudita

“Musica inAudita”come l’antico canto gregoriano presentato in questo concerto nella sua forma più antica dalla Schola Gregoriana Aurea Luce e in una versione improvvisata con voce, viella medievale ed effetti elettronici dalla cantante opitergina (che vive e opera a Berlino) Tamara Soldan. 

Sarà quindi un ascolto molto variegato che mostra l’estrema duttilità di un patrimonio prezioso e universale come il canto gregoriano e l’approcio con la  modernità.

Una consuetudine già nei secoli affermata per esempio nella prassi organistica: rielaborare il tema del canto gregoriano (“cantus firmus”) con improvvisazioni estemporanee o scritte. 

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Tamara Soldan is a Singer, Musician and Performer with a passion for exploration and innovation. Her musical journey spans a wide range of styles, from medieval music and Gregorian chant to contemporary music, jazz, and improvisation. In recent years, she has delved into the art of singing while accompanying herself on the medieval Fiddle, a unique blend that has become a hallmark of her artistic expression. Soldan presents solo programs featuring carefully curated repertoires that invite the audience to experience a dynamic interaction between music and space, where venues themselves become an integral part of the performance through sound spatialization techniques.

Her work also extends to the performative arts, with contemporary projects that she both curates and creates. Her solo and collaborative projects have been featured at prestigious festivals across Europe, including the House of Music Budapest, Fondation Bodmer Geneva, Museum of City Bratislava, Augustin Bibliothek Brno, Festival Musica Antica Ahuse in Germany, and Festival Musica Antica Valvasone, Biennale Venice.

Balancing her practice between medieval music performance and composition, Tamara combines the medieval Fiddle, voice, and electronics to create a unique sound world where ancient melodies and contemporary textures coexist. Her approach to archaic, pulse-free materials like monodic medieval music transcends the measurable passage of time, inviting a deeper, more personal engagement with music as an expression of both individuality and universality. Through her work, Tamara Soldan reimagines ancient melodies, reconstructing them in new forms that seek to reconnect with a deeper, spiritual essence—transforming ruins into a new artistic identity that resonates with both the past and present.

Originally from Italy (Venice), Tamara Soldan  relocated to Berlin in 2013.

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About old


Tamara Soldan is a Singer and Music Artist actives in the European Jazz, Contemporary and Early Music scene.

Her projects and collaborations range from contemporary jazz and improvisation, to the interpretation of the Medieval repertoire to contemporary projects where she mixes ancient music with other art forms such as electronic music and visual art.

“I grew up in a small town in Veneto (Italy) where I was lucky enough to start studying the violin at the age of nine. In those same years, I begun singing in a choir and this allowed me to get closer to a different set of repertoires, from the Renaissance to the New Music of the 1900s, and to participate in and win numerous international competitions—among which there was the prestigious International Polyphonic Competition “Guido D’Arezzo”. This gave me a great opportunity to travel all over Europe, get to know other musical realities and connect to different people, cultures and languages.

I was 19 when I listened to a jazz concert for the first time. I immediately fell in love with it and started buying albums by Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Stan Getz, John Lewis and many, many others; listening and transcribing their solos until I leant them. It was then that I decided to start touring Italy to chase the most important Italian, European and American musicians and teachers and try to get even deeper into this wonderful music.

Jazz was not enough to satisfy my musical curiosity though, so when I was called as a soloist by the “Schola Gregoriana Aurea Luce”. I accepted and learned and sang Gregorian Chants for ten years. I also collaborated with “L’Arsenale”, the contemporary music and Nuova Musica ensemble. With the latter I was put to the test with the interpretation of “Diario Polacco N.2” by Luigi Nono and the participation in some international festivals such as the Venice Biennale Musica, Venice Biennale Arte,  Asolo International Festival.

I studied at the Conservatory in Adria (Italy) where I graduated in Jazz Music with full marks. During my Master in Jazz music, I had the opportunity to specialize at the University of Musik (HMTM) in Hanover. After this experience I moved to Berlin, where I still live.

My life in Berlin lead to a new phase of exploration.: a whole new music scene, new music and many great musicians from all over the world! I decided to give a new life to my personal and musical experiences and started new collaboration which lead to original projects such as:

  • EXTEMPORE duo – Gregorian Chant and electronic music: with Michele Pedrazzi (live electronic)  feature the video Artist Mauro Lovisetto
  • TRIO VORTEX – Medieval Music interpretation from 1100 until 1500: with Valentina Bellanova e Sofia Chekalina
  • INTRECCI duo – Contemporary jazz with the Master Quique Sinesi
  • BIRDS AND LOVE Solo Project – Medieval Songs, Improvisation, Contemporary for Voice, Fiedel, Live Electronic
  • A CHANTAR Solo Project – Medieval Songs, Storytelling for Voice and Fiedel

In addition to working as a singer, I am a passionate vocal teacher and I work at the “Leo Borchard Musikschule” in Berlin. I also organize individual and group lessons for jazz passionate or aspirant jazz singers.”

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Vocal Training

Vocal Training

I am a passionate Vocal Teacher with 20 years of experience.

My approach has a strong emphasis on good classical technique as the basis for a variety of singing styles, including jazz, pop, rock and chanson.

My lessons build up the strength, power and tone of the voice through work on breathing and support, and bridging the gap between “chest” and “head” register.

In my experience, everyone has a voice and lessons are about learning how to make the most of it.

We’ll explore and expand the most resonant areas of the voice and build strength in those areas that are weak: extending vocal range, tuning, releasing tension and thinking about the communication of the music. 

I’ve found singing is a wonderful way for anyone to improve one’s confidence and mood as well as musicianship.

I am so excited also to help jazz passionate or aspirant jazz singer to improve their repertoire and learn scat singing and improvisation techniques.

Where you can find me:

Language: English, German, Italian

Singing and Swinging

"the first time I listened to a jazz concert it was love at first sight."

jazz has opened my mind, heart and ears"

For 10 years I have been organizing individual and group lessons focused on Jazz Music.

The Jazz Vocal Workshop Singing and Swinging provides an extensive introduction to the wide range of skills and techniques required.

Jazz and Improvisation are as much an approach as a style of music, and this course concentrates equally on understanding and interpreting jazz from the inside as it does on the techniques of singing it.

Topics covered include:

  • Physical and vocal warm-ups
  • Listening exercises and harmonies, ear training
  • Rhythm work
  • Jazz-style phrasing and expression
  • Singing in various styles, including swing, ballads and the blues
  • Vocal improvisation (Scat and Free)
  • Choosing repertoire and exploring jazz standards
  • Developing your own unique style

Where you can find me:

Language: English, German, Italian

"Singing has belonged to me since I was very young. I once jumped into a couple of lessons with Tamara ten years ago in Italy and she impressed me for her kindness and patience along with her undoubtable know-how. It then happened that we both moved abroad following different ways. Our paths crossed again at the beginning of this year when I asked if she also made online lessons possible since we still live in different countries and I had the need to develop my skill. We are now regularly meeting each other on Skype and my voice is finally slowly finding her way out to blossom. I reckon that Tamara has gorgeously adapted her teaching method to this system! She also provides me with the exercises I can then repeat by myself on mp3 format via Chat, which I find very useful and practical. Video calls do not worsen the quality of her lessons at all and we can meet up whenever suitable, also during vacations. I can only but recommend Tamara's online lessons!! Enjoy!" Teresa (Zurig -CH)
"Seit einiger Zeit habe ich bei Tamara Soldan Gesangsunterricht. Durch ihre ermutigende und unprätentiöse, natürliche Art ermöglichte sie es mir, meine Stimme zu entwickeln und mir die Angst vorm Singen zu nehmen. Seitdem bin ich mit Spaß und Enthusiasmus dabei. Ihre Gesangsstunden sind durchdacht und geprägt durch eine aufmerksame Präsenz und Begleitung. Gerade auch während ihres Vocal - Jazz Workshops, an dem ich zurzeit teilnehme, finde ich es großartig, dass sie die Stunden aufnimmt, sodass man sie sich zu Hause anhören und noch einmal durcharbeiten kann. Das ist wie ein doppelter Gesangsunterricht. Überhaupt, stellt sie einem viele Informationen zur Verfügung, die einem weiterhelfen. Ihre Leidenschaft insbesondere für den Jazzgesang ist ansteckend und motivierend. Ich bin mit Freude dabei." Claudia L. (Berlin)
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